Nuffnanger :-)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Don't Stress, Be Happy

Exam is on 2moro!!!!

Don't stress, or else????.......

Our Antibody formation is impaired

Significantly lower salivary IgA

Increased risk of mononucleosis

So how to counter all the bad effects on our immune body???

You must Share your experiences----Lymphocyte response will be increased wor..

Laugh, and laugh and laugh more---Ig increases, Increased lymphocyte count and activity.

Relaxation (Meditation/listening to soothing musics)----NK activity increases, decreased plasma stress hormones, increased T-cell effectiveness

Aerobic Exercise---NK cell, T-cells, WBC, endorphins, certain immune chemicals increase, but lymphocyte function decreases

Based on all the ways, I personally think that Laugh will be the easiest and time saving way to destress!!! Haha

So, all of you must Laugh out loudly when you are reading your notes!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!

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