Nuffnanger :-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is Midlife?

Midlife is a normal developmental life stage. It is essentially positive and has the specific goal of facilitating the process of becoming a "whole" person. Saying it is normal means that it cannot be avoided. Live long enough you will encounter it. As you did not avoid adolescence so you will not avoid midlife. Midlife may be denied but not escaped.

Adolescence was meant to transform you from a child to an adult. It was not meant to be fun. Midlife is also intends to transform you. You may not enjoy midlife.

At midlife you are only half way to that goal. More growth is needed but you may have become comfortably stuck where you are.You cannot take this journey without a certain amount of suffering. To suffer means to live through or to allow. You must suffer the loss, change, and letting go of much of what you bring into midlife.

In life we have two major identity crises. The first, occurring in adolescence, is to establish an identity. You must get a sense of who you are. The second identity crisis is at midlife when you must give up who you think you are so you can become who you were meant to be. This transition is not easy and is greatly resisted.

Midlife is ultimately about the search for true meaning in life.

Extracted from the website

I think I am experiencing Midlife earlier than I expected (It is usually occurs during 40-60 years old). Haih....I just can't cheer up and live life as normal....

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