Nuffnanger :-)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mother Dog & Small Puppy

Guess what? Today YH & I were on our mission to save the little cut puppy from the deep drain. Well, to be honest, it was not really our good deeds, we were just assisted in saving the puppy. Haha, it was a windy day, we wanted to go carrefour to have lunch but there was no taxi. So, we decided to walk to our destination. On the way, we heard a mother dog moaning, and she was looking down the drain as if something was inside. We went forward to see and saw a little cute fat puppy inside, probably dropped into the drain when the mother dog trying to move it to somewhere. We wanted to go down the drain to lift up the puppy but the mother dog was so fierce and kept barking at us. We were afraid to go down(even though the mother dog and us were separated by bushes). YH found a stick to chase away the mother dog while I was getting ready to go down. At that moment, there was a guard walking towards us. We called him and showed him that a puppy had fallen into the drain. The mother dog ran further from us after she saw the guard and the guard went down the drain to take the puppy up, thanks God! The puppy seemed very weak but there was no obvious wound we could see. We put it back behind the bushes so that the mother dog could finally unite with her kid.

After a few hours, sky juice fell from the sky, I wonder how are the puppy and the mother dog doing, hope they are alright.......

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