Nuffnanger :-)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

LIFE is Just Not My Friend

I always expect a lot from LIFE, and when I don't get what I want, I tend to feel upset.If I don't expect more, what else more can I gain from LIFE? I want to set higher goal for myself, so that I can improve, but every time I set high goal for myself,no matter what aspect, I cannot surpass it, it makes me feel that I am so LOUSY, it really does. LIFE always treats me badly, he just don't want to see me success, happy and cheerful. I used to be a quiet boy, who live a simple, naive life. Some people said I changed a lot since form 4. I started to become more active, more sociable. And because of this, LIFE just becomes more complicated. I miss the simple LIFE I used to have, maybe I shall remain silent and quiet, back to the original me....

The more you expect, the deeper you will fall, and the more you will hurt...............


Belle said...

Great power brings great responsibility. =)

ppl tend to want more n more.
but they dont realise they get more n more. suggest u have a diary. keep all the details in track. (the best is always write down the happy 1.)

stop n read it somewhere in the future. you will then know actually u gain just as much as u wish~ =)

jia you!!! ick!!

Natasha said...

It's true that our dreams, desires and possibly even our needs can get into our way of life but if you look at it this way, life's afterall just like any other game, if you play it well you win, if not, you lose. That's the ugly truth. But ultimately, you're still in control of it =) So no matter how tough or challenging things may seem to be, always keep your eyes open, there are gems to be found along the challenging and rocky pathways =)

So when life chucks you lemons, what should you do? You just turn them into lemonades =p