Nuffnanger :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Every Word is Something

My CSU teacher said something really meaningful yesterday. She said sometimes we will give impact to some strangers or change their lives without us realizing it. Anything we did/ said just happened to be at that exact hour, minute or even second, thus saving/ leaving a really deep impression on that person. When she was a houseman last time,she experienced this. She was walking passed a ward to her room when she heard a patient crying at one side. Out of curiosity and care, she approached the patient and found out that actually the lady has cancer and going to die soon. She was worried of her daughter who was still small (5 years old). She wished that she has another 5 years to live on so that she can see the daughter grows up to 10 years old. CSU teacher was just happened to be there for her, consoled and let her feel that there is still some hope and not to be so negative. The next morning, the lady already learn to be optimistic, and she will always ask CSU teacher to stand by her side whenever there is injection or something so that she will feel more secure. So, everything we said/did will really change others' thinking/lives .We are all equally important in our or even other's life, so don't feel ourselves hopeless and useless, people!!! Stay happy always!!!

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