Nuffnanger :-)

Friday, December 17, 2010

LT#13 The Musical End

The entire family gathered around Grandpa's bed in the hospital at visiting time as usual. He had been in a coma for a few days but he was not expected to die in the near future. The piped music in the hospital stopped suddenly and Grandpa died almost immediately. Why?

1. He was hooked up to monitors and drip feeds.
2. He was hooked up to life-support equipment.
3. The equipment did not fail.
4. The power supply to the equipment did not fail.
5. His death was preventable.

1 comment:

Ickes said...

The music and lighting were on the same circuit. The emergency and life support systems were on another circuit. It was nighttime and when the music stopped the lights went off. In the confusion, one of the visitors accidentally disconnected some vital equipment and Grandpa died.