Nuffnanger :-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why my Blog Visitors suddenly popped up so much?

When I opened my Nuffnang account today, I saw the analytics page shown as above. Wow...It's only 7pm there is already 109 visitors....

Then I clicked on the referrals button, the keywords shown as below:

You can see very obviously that TEETH is the main keyword my visitors had searched to come to my blog? Lol! Why teeth? Haha, then only I realized long time ago during November 09, I had blogged about a blog post related to teeth...lolz.

And most of my visitors came from US, normally majority is from Malaysia.........

Hmm.....combining all the keyword, I went to google teeth in US....and came to this news!

U.S. Officials Recommend Reduced Fluoride Levels in Water

Goal is to prevent kids from getting too much, developing spotted teeth, experts say

Haha, I guess that's the reason why my blog has sudden massive increase of visitors from US, lolz!

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