Nuffnanger :-)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Me.Not. A. Good. Bro (& Everything)

I am not a good brother..
I didn't even attempt to talk to him...
What I want is only peace...
but what I do is only ignore him...
Whenever he talks to me, I am just reply him and that's all...
It's not that I don't want to care,
its just something I can't help to forgive him...
I can't forgive his attitude, his personality..
I understand everyone has different personalities,
but I still can't accept it.
What should I do?
I just want us to be good siblings!
But it is much more harder than I thought it will be...

I admit I am not a good son, good sibling, good relative, good friend to others too. I knew my weaknesses, my dominating personality, my "not understanding others' feelings" behavior. Sigh...I just wish I can change, I want to change, I really want everything to be good. But, I really need some time and guidance...

I know I should think positively, but I just can't this sudden arising EMO feeling, I cried, cried out all of my guilt,my sad feeling..

In the car...
Me: Not going to watch movie 2nite, will be watching 2moro coz no cannot buy ticket edy.
Bro: *Disappointed*
Me: You can watch movie 2moro or not?
Bro: Erm...dunno, maybe will go out with my friends 2moro.
Me: If you can''t go then buy 3 tickets, if you plan to watch then buy 4 tickets.
Bro: Huh? Why 3? Who are the 3?
Me: Dad, Mum, eldest sis...
Bro: What about you?
Me: I am going back to KL 2moro edy..
Bro: So fast??
Me: Ya!!!

And I think we have nothing much to communicate and share although I am going back to KL 2moro edy...I am really an useless bro..sorry...

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